The Los Angeles County Department of Health Services (LADHS) is developing a health coverage program for the remaining uninsured, referred to as “Healthy Way L.A 2.0” which is set to launch September 2014. California Partnership has partnered with advocates and community organizations to form the L.A.Health4All coalition to ensure that this new program provides quality and comprehensive coverage to as many of the remaining uninsured as possible.
However, LADHS has indicated that this program will be funded at the same level as the previous Healthy Way LA – unmatched program. We know that the previous level of funding is woefully inadequate to serve the hundreds of thousands of Los Angeles County residents who will not have access to any other health coverage options. The L.A.Health4All coalition has organized a press conference and rally on April 16, 2014 (the day after the release of the LA County FY 2014-2015 budget) to urge the LA County Board of Supervisors to adequately-fund a comprehensive, quality health coverage program.
When: Wednesday, April 16, 2014 Please Arrive at 11:30, the Event will start at 12:00pm
Where: Front patio of LAC/USC Medical Center 2051 Marengo Street Los Angeles, CA 90033 (See Flyer for Details and Parking info)
Please circulate the flyer widely to your communities and join us in this effort. Feel free to bring posters and visuals related to the issue.
Please Come Support Health Coverage 4 ALL Angelenos! #LAHealth4All #Health4All #SaludParaTodos #LosAngeles #healthreform 4/16/14 LA+USC11:30
Thank you on behalf of:
Alliance for Children’s Rights, Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE), American Federation of State, County, City, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), California Immigrant Policy Center, California Partnership, Children Now,
Clinica Monsenor Oscar Romero, Coalition of Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles (CHIRLA), Community Health Councils, Health Access, Hunger Action Los Angeles, Korean Resource Center , L.A. VOICE/PICO, Labor United for Universal Healthcare, Maternal and Child Health Access, Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles ,ONE L.A. IAF, Planned Parenthood Los Angeles, Saint John’s Well Child and Family Center, SEIU/UHW (United Healthcare Workers West), Service Employees International Union Local 721 (SEIU 721), The Wall Las Memorias Project, Young Invincibles