Fed up with “band-aid” treatment, exclusion from Obamacare, undocumented immigrant leaders travel across state to build support for SB 1005
WHAT: Just one week before the California Senate Health Committee hears SB 1005 (Lara), a bill to expand the Affordable Care Act to all Californians, immigrant health advocates and community members will gather at the UCLA Downtown Labor Center in Los Angeles to kick off a 600 mile undocumented immigrant health caravan tour of California. The “CARE-van” as it is called, will raise awareness on the critical gap in care for immigrant communities, including over one million undocumented Californians who are shut out from access to health care that could mean the difference between an easily treatable ailment and a life-threatening condition.
The send-off celebration will begin with a screening of “No Healthcare? No Problem!”, a short satirical video produced by immigrant youth impacted by the exclusion. The video features the use of “band-aid” remedies among undocumented immigrant communities; often used as alternatives by those excluded from accessing preventive health services and regular healthcare.
WHO: Participants in the Undocu-CARE-van for “Health For All”, California Immigrant Health Network
WHERE: UCLA Downtown Labor Center, 675 S. Park View Street, Los Angeles, California
WHEN: Tuesday, April 22, 2014, 6:00pm
WHY: The screening of “No Healthcare? No Problem!” marks the official send-off of the Undocu-CARE-van, a caravan of community members, immigrant rights and health advocates that aim to mobilize community support behind SB 1005, “Health For All”, a groundbreaking bill proposed by CA Senator Ricardo Lara to expand access to healthcare for all Californians. The measure would establish a parallel statewide health exchange for individuals to purchase health coverage regardless of their immigration status.
The caravan will make its way from San Ysidro, California (San Diego County), and pick up riders along the way from across the state as it makes stops in Orange County, Los Angeles, Inland Empire, Fresno, and Sacramento. The activists are calling for the passage of SB 1005, and urging the CA Senate Health Committee to approve the legislation when it is heard at the Sacramento Capitol building on April 30th.
The caravan will return to Los Angeles for a townhall on Friday, April 25th for a more complete policy discussion of SB 1005 (Lara) as well as to share community testimonials from immigrant individuals.
Friday, April 25, 6:00 PM. Los Angeles: El Centro Del Pueblo, 1157 Lemoyne Street. Townhall for Health for All. In partnership with Health Access, ACCE, Young Invincibles, California Partnership, Planned Parenthood.
Media Visuals: Large screen for “No Healthcare? No Problem!” video, large “Vapor Rub” bottles, life-size Band-Aid props, chalkboard with hand-written “Health4all” messages, large health-themed posters
More information on the #Health4all Undocu-CARE-van destinations, participants, and SB 1005 “Health For All” campaign efforts is available at: http://undocuhealth.blogspot.com/