The members consist of the African-American Health Institute, All of Us Or None, A New Way of Life, California Partnership, Californians United for a Responsible Budget, California Pan Ethnic Health Network, The Greenlining Institute, 4e, Congregations Organized for Prophetic Engagement, Critical Resistance, Ella Baker Center, Families to Amend California’s Three Strikes, Legal Services for Prisoners with Children, Time for Change Foundation, The Women’s Foundation of California, the Youth Justice Coalition, and the newest member of the collaborative Hunger Action Los Angeles!
Take Action California is a virtual, one-stop, for political activism, action alerts, fact sheets, and events in support of grassroots advocacy throughout California. By increasing our collective capacity for e-advocacy, we hope to advance our shared agenda for social change, through criminal justice reform and human rights advocacy for disadvantaged and low income communities and people of color throughout the state.
Do you like the work that we do? With a donation you can help us do more to fight poverty, increase access to quality health care, and create a better California!